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4 (
); 85-86

IAPSM West Bengal U G Student Quiz, 2015

Secretary, India Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, West Bengal Chapter

Address for correspondence: The Editor/ Managing Editor, Journal of Comprehensive Health, Dept of Community medicine, NRS Medical College, 138, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata-700014

This open access article is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Community Medicine is taught in MBBS curriculum from first semester to seven semesters, but attendance of the student is not encouraging. To make the subject attractive various methods was tried. Quiz is one such method. Pudducherry state IAPSM has tried it in their state to improve teaching learning of Community Medicine. To make the subject interesting among students IAPSM, West Bengal chapter conducted quiz on Community Medicine among seven semester students of different Medical colleges of West Bengal in 2015. Quiz was announced two months before the final State level Quiz. From each Medical college one team comprising of two students participated at state level quiz. Each college was encouraged to select two members through college level quiz. Few Colleges could not organise quiz at College level for various difficulties. They selected the candidate by MCQ or other methods.

Total Twelve teams participated at the state level quiz. From Three Medical colleges, students could not participate due to other activity and in one new medical college there was no seven semester batch.

IAPSM quiz was conducted on 7th September 2015 at IPGMER in the department of Community Medicine. In the final round six teams participated. Out of twelve teams six teams were selected by two elimination rounds. Total twelve teams were divided into two groups

Group A:

NRS Medical College, Kolkata

KPC Medical, College

IPGME&R, Kolkata

RG Kar Medical College, Kolkata

Medical College, Kolkata

College of Medicine and Sagore Dutta Hospital

Group B:

Burdwan Medical College,

North Bengal Medical College

Murshidabad Medical College

Calcutta National Medical College

Bankura Sammilani Medical College

Midnapore Medical College

From group A, R G Kar Medical College, KPC Medical College and Medical College, Kolkata qualify for the final and from group B, Murshidabad Medical College, Midnapore Medical College, and Burdwan Medical College qualify. Winner was Kolkata Medical College, runner up- Midnapore Medical College. Team members of Medical college, Kolkata were Arnab Paul and Suman Saha. Members of Midnapore Medical College were Krishanu Majumdar and Supriya Mallick. Dr Abhik Sinha Coordinated the quiz. There were direct question, visual round, rapid fire round in the quiz. Head of department of various Medical Colleges and teachers provided input for the quiz. In the final day Santanu Ghosh, Ritu Ghosh, Tapobrato guha Ray, Sinjita Ghosh, other teachers and PGT of IPGMER worked hard for the show. Teachers and students from different Medical Colleges of West Bengal were present to encourage the participant. Family members of some of the participants also attended the Quiz.

At the end prizes and participation certificate and gift were distributed to the winners and participant of the quiz by President and Secretary of IAPSM, West Bengal Chapter and other senior teachers of the state.

Quiz was found to be very interesting to the students and teacher alike. Visual round was found to be most interesting to the participant. Everybody has the opinion that it should be an annual event.

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