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IAPSM WB State Conference - 2019
The Department of Community Medicine, North Bengal Medical College & Hospital organized the 35th Annual State Conference of the Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine-West Bengal chapter (IAPSMWBCON2019) on 29-30 March 2019 at North Bengal Medical College & Hospital.
The theme of the conference was Public Health Issues & Challenges in the 21st Century. The conference provided an excellent platform for scientific exchanges for the delegates and researchers in the field of Community Medicine.
The conference was a huge success as 203 delegates (including 70 post graduate trainees) from all over West Bengal and also from neighbouring states attended the event. The event was also graced by Director of Medical Education-Go.WB, Director of Health Services-Go.WB, Chairman RKS-NBMCH and other state and district health officials.
The conference was inaugurated by Prof. Pradip Kumar Mitra, Director of Medical Education-Govt, of West Bengal. The other dignitaries on the stage included Dr. Ajay Kumar Chakraborty, Director of Health Services-Govt. of West Bengal, Prof. Rudranath Bhattacharya, Chairperson-RKS-NBMCH, Prof Prabir Kumar Deb, Principal, NBMCH, Prof Kaushik Samajdar, MSVP, NBMCH, Dr. Sandip Sengupla, Dean of Students'Affairs, NBMCH, Prof. Baijayanti Baur, President, 1APSM WB, Dr. Palash Das, Oras ganising Secretary, 1APSM WB, Prof. Samir Dasgupta, Organizing Chairperson, IAPSMWBCON 2019 and Dr. Romy Biswas, Organizing Secretary, IAPSMWBCON 2019. To commemorate the conference, a souvenir was published, which was inaugurated by Dr. Ajay Kumar Chakraborty, Director of Health Services- Govt. of West Bengal.
The first issue of Journal of Undergraduate Medical Research was released by Prof. Pradip Kumar Mitra, Director of Medical Education-Govt, of West Bengal
Apart from the different competitive sessions, the major scientific events included were plenary sessions on Rabies, Early Childhood Development, CHARM, Maternal Nutrition, Dengue & AES, MiNerVA and panel discussion on Respectful Maternity Care. A free paper session was arranged for undergraduates.
General Body Meeting of all members of state chapter was held on 29th March followed by a cultural program. Probably for the first time in any state conference of West Bengal, a walk for health was organised on the morning of 30th March, which was attended by around 80 participants.
Banquet dinner was held at Tea Leaf Resort, Leucipokhri on the evening of 29th March with mouth-watering delicacies.
On the day following the conference, an excursion trip w?as arranged for Bengal Safari, Si liguri followed by lunch and a trip to Gajoldoba. The trip was attended by 80 participants.
All photographs have been uploaded in the conference website. The scientific presentations will be uploaded in the next few days.
Overall, the feedback received was overwhelmingly positive.
Sr. No. | Category Food ( including Banquet dinner and other |
Amount |
1 | refreshments) | 451926 |
2 | Decoration. AV Aids, Sound sys | 210000 |
3 | Conference Bag | 183375 |
4 | Printing (Souvenir, flex, 1 Card, Standee) | 168766 |
5 | Wall Clock | 69000 |
6 | Excursion | 54400 |
7 | T-Shirt | 42000 |
8 | Cultural Programme | 25000 |
9 | Transport | 21200 |
10 | Flight booking | 29380 |
11 | Accomodation for guests | 17602 |
12 | Gift items | 11590 |
13 | CA (Prize money and TA) | 18770 |
14 | Miscellaneous (Sweeping etc) | 6565 |
15 | Loan repayment to state branch | 300000 1609574 |
Serial No |
Name | Amount |
1 | Registration | 383100 |
2 | Spot | 22000 |
3 | Excursion | 25500 |
4 | UNICEF | 429500 |
5 | Sponsors (Pharma Companies) | 245000 |
6 | DHS, CMOH | 60000 |
7 | Sponsors (Other Companies and Labs) | 175000 |
8 | Personal Sponsors | 49000 |
9 | Book Stores | 14000 |
10 | Loan from state branch | 300000 1703100 |
Thanking all